Rediscovering Self

This is the power of gathering: it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, more joyful, more thoughtful; in a word, more alive. ~ Alice Waters

Welcome to Paths of Heart“- a high spirited, heart-centered community where we gather together in music, poetry, commentary, and dialogue to create and nurture joy, compassion, gratitude, and love – in our own lives and throughout the world.  Paths of Heart is a 501(c)(3) Human Services/Educational non-profit organization that uses the arts, especially, to encourage and propel seekers of a better, more peaceful world to find ways to serve, while becoming more kind and compassionate human beings.

We welcome you as we collectively and individually explore the sweet mysteries of life – this is an invitation into co-creation! Our gatherings are most every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at 117 Evans Drive in north Fort Collins. Childcare is available (please let us know ahead of time so we can make arrangements).

We hope our paths cross soon!

May 21st

Have you ever felt lost….like the person you used to be or thought you were has somehow gotten buried beneath the every day minutia or even perceived tragedy of what life sometimes “throws” us? How do you “get your groove back”?  That’s what we’ll discuss this week!  Emma Sloniker has an amazing song to sing for us….

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.” ~ Hugh Prather

“Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person.”
~ Gerard Way

“It is good to feel lost… because it proves you have a navigational sense of where “Home” is. You know that a place that feels like being found exists. And maybe your current location isn’t that place but, Hallelujah, that unsettled, uneasy feeling of lost-ness just brought you closer to it.” ~ Erika Harris

Looking Ahead/Notes of Interest

StrengthFinder Follow-up:
Roger Funke has offered to meet with us as a group (in our regular “Paths of Heart” Community space) this coming Monday, May 22nd at 7pm to discuss our strength assessments more in depth.  Let us know if you’d like to attend!  The online assessment to help you discover your strengths can be accessed here: 
The cost is $15, and includes a download of the book.  The assessment takes a half hour and must be done in one sitting.

Bob Wells and Lisa Hatcher could still use some help in the coming weeks as Bob recovers from knee surgery.  If you can assist with errands, meals, occasional rides, or dog walking, please email  Thank you!

Our next potluck is scheduled forJune 4th – mark your calendars!

New Website We hope you’ll stop by for a visit!
There you’ll find past newsletters and a newsletter sign-up form, more about our organization, and a photo gallery.  For folks who like to make their donations by credit card, there is a link for your convenience on the website.


Thanks to all those from our community who’ve been helping out Bob and Lisa after Bob’s surgery.  Your assistance is most appreciated!!

Thank you to all who so generously donate to Paths of Heart.  All your donations are now tax deductible and we always share a portion of your donations to other organizations that align with our mission to create and nurture joy, compassion, gratitude, and love in our own lives and throughout the world.  Our most recent recipients are:
Children International (ongoing sponsorship of 7 year old Cristel in Quito, Ecaudor!)
El Sistema Colorado: Changing Lives Through Music
Feeding Our Community Ourselves, Inc. (FOCO Cafe’)
No Barriers USA
(unleashing the potential of the human spirit!)

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” ~ G.K. Chesterton

What are you grateful for today?

Other Details….

If this has been forwarded to you by a friend and you would like to join us, we encourage you to add your name to our newsletter list, as schedules do occasionally change,and we like to keep you informed of topics and special events as well. If you know of other interested and kind-hearted souls, they may also contact us by email: or by phone: 970-484-9600, to learn more about our organization. Thanks! 

* CAR-EOGRAPHY *  You may park in the driveway, as well as diagonally along the north side of our property.  Should those areas become full, please park out on Hwy 1, which has plenty of space and a nice wide shoulder.  Please watch for cars as you are exiting and entering your vehicle, though! The carport area is reserved for folks with special parking needs. Out of respect for our neighbors, we ask that you kindly refrain from parking on Evans Drive beyond our property line. Car pooling is encouraged.

Yoga with Heart!

We do yoga here in our “community space” on Mondays and Wednesdays (we are suspending Saturday classes through the summer).  All levels are welcome to participate.  Let us know if you’re interested in joining this heart centered practice!

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” ― Rumi

Please note, we are a “remove your shoes upon entering” household (what better way to bare our “souls”…!).  Feel free to bring slippers or thick socks for your comfort (and we always have extras!)