Staying Heart-Centered in an Unpredictable World

Staying Heart-Centered in an Unpredictable World

Of course most of us have known for years that the only thing we can control in our lives is ourselves, and how we respond to outside circumstances and events.  But, geez, who knew we’d get so many opportunities to challenge our abilities in this arena!  Life throws us enough curveballs without adding a global pandemic to the game, and just managing our day to day lives (like finding the time to get this newsletter out!) can feel overwhelming and anxiety producing.  Let’s gather together this Sunday, September 6th at 10:30 a.m. in the Paths of Heart backyard (117 Evans Dr., Fort Collins, CO 80524) and explore the strategies and activities we’re employing to stay even-keeled and heart-centered in these unprecedented times.
Love and Light to all, Colleen and Mark

Quotes to ponder

“It is our attitude toward events, not events themselves, which we can control. Nothing is by its own nature calamitous — even death is terrible only if we fear it.” ~ Epictetus

“It is only when a man tames his own demons that he becomes the king of himself if not of the world.” ~ Joseph Campbell

“Let us liberate ourselves from any form of control. Let us focus at the inner drum, where the rhythm aligns with that of our heart. The measure of responsibility, equals to the need for evolution. Just listen, the inner child, let it whisper in your ear.” ~ Grigoris Deoudis

“Probably the wisest words that were ever uttered to me came from a therapist. I was sitting in her office, crying my eyes out. . . and she said, “So let me get this straight. You base your personal happiness on things entirely out of your control.” ~ Laura Munson

Looking Ahead/Notes of Interest

THIS Sunday, September 6th, 10:30 a.m. -Our next Paths of Heart Gathering in our backyard at 117 Evans Dr. in Fort Collins. We will be limiting the number of people at our gatherings, so reservations (and masks) will be required.  Once everyone is seated and our meeting begins, we’ll have the opportunity to remove our masks if everyone present is comfortable with that. We will be seated at least 6 ft. apart. Reply to this email or call 970-484-9600 to RSVP. How often we continue to meet outdoors remains fluid. It will most likely be once or twice a month, as we continue to monitor state and local guidelines for gatherings, and the changing weather.

“Paths of Heart Labyrinth” Service Opportunity! – We are looking for volunteers who might want to drop by occasionally (or on a regular basis) and help with clearing the labyrinth of debris and weeds. With our frequent high winds, there is a constant need to pick up twigs and limbs that fall from the trees onto the path, and we are finding that even though we put down professional grade weed barrier, our persistent bindweed is finding its way through!  You can be as meticulous as you’d like (Colleen has a different word for her particular fastidiousness!), and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Know that you are always welcome to drop by and walk the Paths of Heart labyrinth – you do not need to let us know in advance. Do note that we have experienced the outer “halo” of glass blocks to be slippery when wet, so it’s best to come on a dry day!


We are so incredibly grateful for the overwhelming response we had for our family house concerts this past weekend!  We ended up doing 3 consecutive nights with around 40 people each night.  What a gift to lift our spirits!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What are you grateful for today?

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” ~ Anthony Robbins

“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” ~ Meister Eckhart

About Paths of Heart…

Paths of Heart is a high spirited, heart-centered community where we gather together (in new and creative ways!) for music, poetry, commentary, and dialogue to create and nurture joy, compassion, gratitude, and love – in our own lives and throughout the world.  Paths of Heart is a 501(c)(3) Human Services/Educational non-profit organization that uses the arts, especially, to encourage and propel seekers of a better, more peaceful world to find ways to serve, while becoming more kind and compassionate human beings.

We welcome you as we collectively and individually explore the sweet mysteries of life – this is an invitation into co-creation! 

Visit us on the web at
We hope our physical paths may cross soon!

“Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.” ― Rumi